Hey FAM! Today let’s talk about how to have an amazing and harmonious Instagram feed! You have been so many to ask me how to take photos, edit and organize them to have a beautiful Instagram feed. You can see that the accounts you follow and love are pretty homogeneous and harmonious in the way photos are posted. The tones are similar and the photos seems nice near each other.
So, if you want to take your Instagram account to the next level and create an amazing Instagram feed, this post is for you!
Whatever you are a content creator or a brand, no matter, this post is for everyone that want to create an awesome Instagram feed! Today I’ll give you today all my tips and tricks! Let’s go with my 5 best tips 😉
1 Create good content
The best tip I can give you to have a beautiful and harmonious Instagram feed is to improve your photography skills and post great quality content! I know that is sounds obvious but content is the key! It’s really important to post HD photos. If you can, take them in RAW file, so the quality won’t be decreased once edited.
If you are looking for more photography tips, you can read our “photography guide for beginners“!
2 Edit your photos in the same tones
Whatever you are editing your photos on phone’ Apps like VSCO or on Lightroom, you need to edit them on the same tones. Find your style and stick to it! Obviously your editing skills will improve but you need to edit your photos with the same kind of filters or presets. For example if you are editing with a “moody” or “pastel” vibes, stick to it to make an harmonious feed!
Obviously every photo is different and you can’t compare a photo taken at the sunset or a photo of the beach with blue tones. But you can edit them with the same “tones”. Lightroom presets help a lot to homogenize your feed. For example, I always edit my photos with my presets, so they look harmonious together. After applying a preset, I adapt the settings in function of the photo. And they look nice together!
If you want you can shop them here “our Lightroom presets”.

3 Diversify your photos
Another important tips is to diversify the kind of photos you post. To have an harmonious Instagram feed, you need to post different kind of photos near each other.
For example, you should try to alternate between close up photos, landscapes photos, sunset shots, greens, blue… But you need to keep 3 or 4 colors that will come back regularly in your feed to make sure it’s homogeneous.
4 Plan your posts in advance
I know that it’s not really spontaneous as the beginnings of Instagram… When people used to take photos with a phone and post them spontaneously. But it is the reality 2020! The accounts you love following are all planning their posts in advance to make sure they match together.
The most important to have an harmonious feed is to plan your feed in advance at least a few days before. You of course can post directly on your feed if you know that it will match but most of the time it’s better to plan in advance. That will helps you to make sure your photos will be harmonious together!
5 Get inspired and create with your heart!
The most important thing in Art is to be passioned and create with your heart! Get inspired on Instagram, Pinterest… Search for new ideas, and make indoor or outdoor photoshoots. Dare to create awesome and original photos and share them on Instagram! Have crazy ideas and make them become reality!
Don’t forget to share your creations with me, I want to see them! And if you have any question please let me know in the comments I would be really happy to answer!
Ready to create a beautiful and harmonious Instagram feed?
I really hope this post will helps you to create and organize a beautiful Instagram feed! I know that you want to improve your photography skills and have a gorgeous feed. Remember that everyone starting photography from zero and has improved their skills along the way 😉
So don’t be hard with yourself, don’t compare your photos of life with others. You know that Instagram is not reality. It’s a small fraction of our lives. Enjoy the moment present and have fun creating photos!
If you are interested about becoming an entrepreneur, you can also check our post about how to create a business online in 2020?
And oh let’s connect on Instagram @chiarabarrasso and @jelafaille