become digital nomad

Become a digital nomad and start working remotely from anywhere in the world! You will find here all the photography and entrepreneurship guides you will need to launch you own business. You will be able to use social media to grow your own business and start working remotely. Being a nomad is absolutely the best thing if you want to be able to travel and work at the same time. If you want to become your own boss and work for your own. But also if you are a creative person and you have something new to bring to the market. Also, if you have value to bring to people, you will always manage to be successful! Becoming a digital nomad is not an easy thing but if you really want it and you are a passionate and hard worker person, you can do it! You will find here all our guides about photography, entrepreneurship, social media, personal development and also sustainability. It is really important to know how to grow a business and at the same time respect the planet. It is all about growing a business in a responsible and sustainable way. We can totally start a business online and share our values for the environnement and the animals. 

How to have an amazing and harmonious Instagram feed : the 5 best tips!

How to have an amazing and harmonious Instagram feed : the 5 …

Hey FAM! Today let’s talk about how to have an amazing and harmonious Instagram feed! You have been so many to ask me how to take photos, edit and organize them to have a beautiful Instagram feed. You can see…

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How to start a business online ? Become an entrepreneur in 2020

How to start a business online ? Become an entrepreneur in 2020

The current situation is not easy to live but it might be the best moment to start a business online! I know that 2020 doesn’t seem to be the best year to start becoming an entrepreneur but that could be…

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The dark side of Instagram: everything you need to know

The dark side of Instagram: everything you need to know

Today let’s talk about the dark side of Instagram and all social media in general. Instagram has taken a huge place in our daily lives. We all spend much time on this app, scrolling on our feed and watching stories!…

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How to edit photos on Lightroom like a pro? The best tips and tricks!

How to edit photos on Lightroom like a pro? The …

Hello FAM! Today’s let’s talk about photography, post-production and more precisely “how to edit your photos on lightroom“! I know that many of you want to improve your travel photos, and try to edit them on Lightroom! That will allow…

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The real life of travel bloggers and content creators : all you need to know

The real life of travel bloggers and content creators : all …

Hey, my TRAVEL FAM! Hope you are well! Today let’s talk about the real-life of a travel blogger/ content creator and the expectations VS reality! I know we are supposed to have a super glamorous life, to be always on…

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